Bushfire and bullets: Locals speak out
Life on land
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Life on land
As the Gariwerd and Little Desert National Parks burn, it is remarkable that it now appears that the Victorian Government intends to continue the commercial trade in wildlife, in this case Kangaroos, it has so promoted over the last decade. The justification for the mass killing is the ever increasing population estimates for these animals. The more they shoot, the more that die in horrific climate events, the bigger the population gets.
Population estimates for the Grampians shooting zone, on which the 2025 quotas are based, are 273,000 Eastern Grey Kangaroos and 112,000 Western Grey Kangaroos, resulting in total quota of 27,300 (13,850 commercial) Eastern Grey Kangaroos and 11,200 (10,300 commercial) Western Grey Kangaroos.
Population estimates for the new Barwon South West shooting zone, on which the 2025 quotas are based, are 249,000 Eastern Grey Kangaroos and 12,000 Western Grey Kangaroos, resulting in total quota of 24,900 (10,200 commercial) Eastern Grey Kangaroos and 1,200 (650 commercial) Western Grey Kangaroos. The split and differentials of these numbers is very odd.
Claiming a population of 646,000 Grey Kangaroos in the most fire impacted shooting zones of the Grampians and Barwon South West, the Victorian Government still wants to kill a total of 64,600 Kangaroos in those zones during 2025.