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Commercial take Kangaroos in Australia: 2023 actual, 2024 forecast

Life on land

“The commercial quota all mainland Australia in 2023 was 5,132,148, the actual take calculated from tag returns was 1,362,185, just 26 per cent of the quota for that year”.

Peter and Andrea Hylands

August 3, 2024

In 2023 the actual number of Kangaroos killed for commercial gain was 1,362,185, our forecast for 2024 is 1,224,700 or 25 per cent of the quota of 4,979,257.

The number of joeys either beaten to death or decapitated in 2023 was estimated to be 327,000. Our estimate for the numbers of joeys to be either beaten to death or decapitated in 2024 is 304,000. Joeys are not included in the commercial data reported by governments in Australia.

We forecast a further decline in the commercial take in 2024 and beyond despite shooting zone extensions and the worrying and large scale move, particularly by Victoria, and South Australia to allow the commercial exploitation of protected native wildlife on public land in 2025, including national and state parks, just as we had forecast would occur, as governments scramble to prop up the killing. Killing they have promoted, enabled and supported, doing so without question.

Actual take against quota by state (per cent), 2023

  • NSW – 27
  • Qld – 27
  • SA – 17
  • WA – 25
  • Vic – 43

Take against quota by state (per cent), 2024 full year forecast

  • NSW – 27
  • Qld – 23
  • SA – 16
  • WA – 30
  • Vic – 45

See table below to understand what these numbers mean.

Population estimates continue to be vastly overstated and quotas which are meant to be a sustainable maximum kill, are more likely to reflect the total population of commercially exploited Kangaroo species that remain. This means that in some regions, quotas are likely to be higher than the total population.

These numbers do not include the commercial exploitation of Kangaroos and Wallabies in Tasmania, where its government does not publish the commercial data in the same way as other mainland states are required to do. We have said this over and over again, a change needs to occur and the data needs to be reported in a way that conforms to other states.

Zone extensions are getting harder as few options remain, as a result, so is topping up numbers. Next moves might be adding more species to the commercial list and move onto public land in states currently not exploiting protected Australian wildlife for commercial gain in these public places and spaces.

Expect an increase in anti Kangaroo propaganda from Australian Governments, shooters and the media, including the ABC, as year end approaches.

Summary table 2024: Commercial exploitation of Kangaroos in Australia
State Year of quota Population estimate on which quota is based Quota (commercial) Actual take against quota Actual take against quota per cent
NSW 2020 14,158,405 2,126,176 469,186 22
NSW 2021 10,459,983 1,598,761 497,285 31
NSW 2022 10,913,343 1,692,207 402,719 24
NSW 2023 11,882,215 1,850,228 509,671 27
NSW 2024 9,634,900 1,484,072 410,900 27
QLD 2020 22,287,000 2,825,150 514,144 18
QLD 2021 16,663,850 1,981,150 601,164 30
QLD 2022 12,959,400 1,783,850 612,233 34
QLD 2023 16,267,200 2,210,400 597,750 27
QLD 2024 17,727,700 2,486,400 568,800 23
SA 2020 3,545,902 532,400 98,962 19
SA 2021 2,810,547 449,200 97,389 22
SA 2022 2,775,048 455,800 100,896 22
SA 2023 3,833,889 576,300 100,594 17
SA 2024 3,912,711 589,200 96,300 16
WA 2020 3,090,605 489,130 100,893 21
WA 2021 2,412,050 381,880 85,613 22
WA 2022 2,399,190 375,410 82,214 22
WA 2023 2,156,550 328,470 81,938 25
WA 2024 1,695,390 263,935 78,800 30
VIC 2020 1,378,605 57,900 46,064 80
VIC 2021 1,911,550 95,680 61,732 64
VIC 2022 1,858,150 127,850 68,346 53
VIC 2023 2,363,850 166,750 72,232 43
VIC 2024 2,363,850 155,650 69,900 45
Total Australia 2020 44,460,517 6,030,756 1,229,249 20
Total Australia 2021 34,257,980 4,506,671 1,343,183 29
Total Australia 2022 30,905,131 4,435,117 1,266,408 28
Total Australia 2023 36,503,704 5,132,148 1,362,185 26
Total Australia 2024 35,334,551 4,979,257 1,224,700 25

Note: Excludes Tasmania / Excludes joeys

Note: Percentage of actual take increases mainly because the quota is lower in a given year. For example, the 2021 quota for Australia was 1,524,085 lower than the quota in 2020. What was particularly shocking was that for the quota alone, the reduction in the quota between those years was higher than the actual annual take in each year.

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