Summer's solstice: Dunkeld & the killing of Kangaroos
Life on land
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Life on land
Jane’s story:
“All of a sudden, they got the idea that they wanted to shoot Kangaroos, so what we found on our doorstep was, one day when I was out walking in the paddock next door, if you could imagine a plane crash and bodies strewn across the landscape, that is what I came across. But instead of humans it was Kangaroos, and it was the Kangaroos we had grown to love, the Kangaroos that had visited us over years and years and our guests had interacted with. Their heads were lying there, their little paws had been cut off, the had been decapitated, they had been disembowelled, so their guts were strewn on the land, so it was like a scene…., you could not imagine that anyone could do something like that. My initial instinct was to start looking for the Kangaroos I knew”.
“What has happened is that the Victorian Government has given such a sense of entitlement to the people who want to engage in these barbaric and cruel behaviours, they do exactly what they want and at the expense of ordinary people who are trying to live a normal and peaceful life. In its poor understanding and management of what goes on away from city centre, the Victorian Government has sanctioned the most grievous and prejudicial conduct, ignoring the complaints of individuals suffering real trauma because of what is happening to them. We will have people losing houses and businesses out there as a result of what is occurring in such close proximity to where they are living. So when residents and business owners complain about the slaughter, butchering and the abuse and danger that the Victorian Government has delivered to their doorsteps in the middle of the night, they are completely ignored. So the government documents read, there have been no complaints and governance and programs are working well. No evidence of anything else.
So when the real story gets out in the media, as is the case in Dunkeld, government staff denigrate the people who are caught up in this living hell of animal and human abuse, calling the people who complain, unreliable, while claiming that there is no evidence of anything wrong. I have seen some shocking things on this continent and beyond, but I can tell you this is something really bad”. Peter Hylands
Landing image: Frank Jesse, Griffins Hill yoga retreat, Dunkeld. Our very special thanks to Jane Gibb