The Kangaroo, the Mayor and the car race
Life on land
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Creative cowboy films is independent, is not funded by governments or industry, and is not influenced by their associated interest groups. For reasons of independent research and content development, Creative cowboy films does NOT have tax deductible charity status.
Life on land
What to do when you have a popular car race and Kangaroos? Welcome to Bathurst in New South Wales, Australia. For the answer, we visit Mayor, Gary Rush.
It is great to see Gary and his director, corporate communications, Therese, again.
In the old days the answer would have been to shoot the Kangaroos. The Bathurst Regional Council has committed to support the relocation of the Kangaroos and have provided council land and fencing in the place which is being used to gather the Kangaroos before they are relocated to their new home.
With the support of ecologist Ray Mjadwesch, partner Helen Bergen and community volunteers, the Kangaroos were captured and held within the compound prior to relocation, reducing Kangaroo / vehicle incidents in the area.
The plan is to relocate the Kangaroos over the next few weeks, to a forest far away from all the hazards of the race-track.