The killing begins: Isaacs Ridge, Canberra
Life on land
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Life on land
Lawyer and local resident, Christine Stevens, describes her distress as the ACT Government moves in for the kill, the killing of Kangaroos in Canberra’s Nature Parks. As is the case in all matters relating to the mass killing of native species in Australia, local residents and all of the rest of us who don’t like the idea, have no rights at all. Not liking the pointless and cruel killing can also be an expensive business in Canberra, the fines are enormous.
“You can ride a horse, but a Kangaroo cannot exist on these nature lands. The nonsensical says that Kangaroos are destroying the native grasses. If what occurs as a result of this nonsense was not so terrible, we would all have to laugh” Peter Hylands
“As the Kangaroos graze and move along, their tails drag along the ground, rolling the seeds into the earth and covering them with a fine layer of dirt. They leave their faeces, which contain seeds of the native grasses. Their finger nails are excellent tools for scratching the earth before they lie down. Sometimes, seeds which have been caught in their fur, drop on to the ground. Then as the Kangaroos roll around, they press the seeds into the earth”. Susie Rowe, Kangaroos: Myths and realities, AWPC 2005
“The concocted and contorted ideologies that lead to these mass killing events of Australian native mammals are entirely without logic as the evidence on the ground shows. In this concocted world, they kill the Kangaroos in nature parks and replace them with cattle, they call that ecological grazing”. Peter Hylands 2021