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Life on land

“It is not only Australian wildlife that is suffering, and the killing is coming closer and closer to your back door. It is not an accident that the victims of this abuse and trauma have no rights at all” Peter Hylands

August 21, 2022

Dr Rosemary Austen describes the impact of acts of extreme cruelty to Australian wildlife on human populations. We are, and have, for a very long time, been very concerned about the psychological trauma and suffering caused by these activities on the general resident population in Australia (particularly those people that know about, and care about their wildlife) when they are confronted by acts of cruelty and harm to the wildlife they have come to love.

Commonplace cruelties

These acts of extreme cruelty to wildlife are gruesome to witness or discover and are frequently, and directly, related to government enabled and promoted activities. These are serious issues and are now commonplace, despite the denials and lack of duty of care.

Rosemary assistng an injured Kangaroo