State of capture: Ducks and Quail in Victoria 2025
Life in the air
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Life in the air
If anyone has been through what we have been through in Victoria in the last few weeks, the Victorian Government's duck shooting announcement is beyond comprehension.
As thousands upon thousands of native animals die in the fires or are shot as they leave their once sanctuary homes, as temperatures soar and climate change bites hard on Victoria’s wetlands, including Ramsar sites, and bird populations plummet:
“As the working week ends, a Friday announcement about the Victorian Government’s plans for duck and quail shooting in the state (and Victoria’s Environment Minister actually supports it)” Andrea Hylands
As waterbird populations plummet, the latest East Australian Aerial Waterbird Survey (EAAWS) showed that:
While the Victorian Government claims that there were:
Stubble Quail did no better:
“Victoria has some of the best game hunting opportunities in Australia. There are generous open seasons and bag limits for duck and quail and about 4 million hectares of public land available for hunting”. Victorian Government
So all up, in 2024 the Victorian Government claims that they have facilitated the death (many more are wounded) of 849,300 native Australian birds for the sole purpose of recreation. This number can be added to the 100 or so Australian species in Victoria being controlled by Authority to Control Wildlife permits (ATCWs) and an increasing commercial trade in wildlife including in National Parks, consuming many tens of thousands of native mammals and birds in the state who die the cruellest of deaths.
“The Allan Labor Government is ensuring the duck hunting season in Victoria is sustainable, safe and backed by science”.
“This year is the first season the Adaptive Harvest Management (AHM) model will be used to guide the daily bag limit in Victoria, with the modelling tailored to Victoria’s unique conditions, habitats and species”.
NOTE: Just for a start, Victoria does not have any unique ‘game’ duck or quail species.
“The Labor Government has invested $11.6 million (additional as of 2024) to ensure the proper compliance and enforcement measures are in place so duck hunting remains safe and sustainable into the future”.
In 2025 we can expect yet more violence from, and attempts at baseless prosecutions by the Victorian Government, directed at the public who care about and want, Australia’s birdlife protected.
“Our wounding reduction action plan will improve animal welfare and is a significant step to make sure recreational hunting can continue sustainably in Victoria”. Victoria’s Environment Minister, Steve Dimopoulos
We won’t of course mention bird flu, now active in Victoria (H7N8) and H5N1 on the doorstep. We can only hope that the shooters handling the vast number of dead and dying wild birds, including decapitating them, are not working in poultry farms.
“From the shooters point of view, all things considered and in the modern era, this is the most generous announcement of all time, for what remains of Victoria’s birdlife, occurring at the worst of all possible times. The Victorian Government and their shooter mates have really got it sewn up.” Peter Hylands
This, despite most of Victoria’s Labor politicians and the majority of Victorians not wanting the locking up of Victoria’s wetlands (which are now too dangerous to visit) for months on end, and the mass slaughter of Australia’s birdlife, to cease.
Given the climate risks and uncertainty, the worst of all is this statement from Steve Dimopoulos:
“We’re also giving hunters certainty about future seasons with the dates for the next three years set out in the Wildlife (Game) Regulations”.
Among other arrangements:
At time of writing no wetland closures (to hunting) had been announced.
Most jurisdictions think about education when it comes to children and the natural world, and that includes waterways and other wetlands, including Ramsar Sites, but not in Victoria it seems.
Not only is the Victorian Government promoting the idea of shooting birdlife for recreation once the children reach 12 years old, the government has also dreamed up a major scheme, which apart from being out of time and well outside the interests of most children, the Victorian Government has spent up big on giving away 95,000 fishing rods to primary school children in Victoria in a program it calls Young Anglers. In what is yet more pointless cruelty and probable killing, and a major pollution hazard for birdlife with its lead and nylon line. This time to introduce even younger children to the sport. The cost at least $1.5 million.
“Little Angler Kits are the perfect way for primary school aged children to try fishing. They include a rod, reel with line, tackle box, some tackle (including hooks and lead sinkers) and information on how to use them all. The State Government is keen to get more children outside and active, connecting with nature and enjoying time in the great outdoors. Fishing is a great way to do that, which is why the State Government is investing $96 million to improve fishing, boating, piers and aquaculture”.
The fishing line provided in all these fishing kits will stretch nearly all the way from Melbourne to London and yet more lead for Victoria’s waterways.