Tawny Frogmouth
Life in the air
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Life in the air
There are three species of Frogmouth, the Tawny Frogmouth (pictured here) Podargus strigoides, the Papuan Frogmouth Podargus papuensis (the largest) and the Marbled Frogmouth Podargus ocellatus. The latter two species are particularly found in New Guinea.
Owl-like at first glance, Frogmouths are not owls and are related to the Kookaburra.
Frogmouths are ground feeding birds and gather their food of insects, small lizards, spiders and frogs during the night.
The stick nest always looks pretty unstable, but in most cases seems to survive and the parents vigilant, one flattening itself on the nest and two white eggs, while the other parent keeps guard. We think of them as good parents and the family sticks together long after the young leave the nest.
Frogmouths are remarkable for their ability to camouflage themselves, they do this by crouching along a branch and adopting branchlike postures when disturbed, stretching out at just the right angle, still and silent, to be mistaken for a dead branch.
Images below are the Papuan Frogmouth from the Creative cowboy films archive.