The Inquiry into Kangaroo and Wallaby populations in South Australia
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Life on land
Our warm thanks to Cienwen Hickey for her dedicated research on compliance matters.
The committee will inquire into and report on:
A) how they are affected by commercial and non-commercial harvesting;
B) the adequacy and enforcement of the National Code of Practise for the Humane shooting of Kangaroos and Wallabies for Commercial Purposes and the National Code of Practise for the Humane Shooting of Kangaroos and Wallabies for Non-commercial Purposes including methods used and their impact on animal welfare;
C) the sustainability of current harvesting levels and their long term impact on the species;
D) the impact of commercial non-commercial harvesting on the health and well being of animals, permitted wildlife rescues and carers and First Nations peoples;
E) alternative strategies and practises that could be implemented to ensure the humane treatment of conservation of these animals; and
F) any other related matters.
The committee is seeking written submissions and expressions of interest to appear before the committee from interested individuals and organisations by Friday the 18th of April 2025. Written submissions addressing the terms of reference should be addressed to the Parliamentary Officer, Natural Resource Committee and emailed to or posted to GPO box 572, Adelaide, SA 5001.
This is currently the South Australian Governments position on the management of Kangaroos. It is the classic echoing of industry talking points and has little to do with the reality of what has occurred.
"As of 1 January 2020, the commercial Kangaroo harvest covers the entire state, excluding Metropolitan Adelaide and the Alinytjara Wilurara region for cultural reasons". Government of South Australia
And just when you may have thought it was not possible to expand commercial operations any further, along comes the South Australian Commercial Kangaroo Management Plan 2025-2029 and into the Adelaide Hills we go and even more planned for public parks and nature reserves.
It appears that the geographic expansions proposed for South Australia for 2025 represent the last remaining opportunity to allow the commercial exploitation of Kangaroos in new areas. The most terrible of which is the full scale expansion into state reserves and national parks. It may be possible to add yet more protected Australian species to the commercial list but we doubt this would be viable.
So South Australia has now achieved what Victoria has achieved, no further opportunity for expansions and no way back from ever declining populations of Kangaroos.
What is particularly shocking is that the commercial exploiters of Kangaroos have been lobbying to access public lands, including state reserves and national parks, for a very long time and that this particular expansion is occurring at a time of extreme climate change and a global extinction crisis, of which Australia is in the very front row.
The kinds of changes that have enabled the commercial exploitation to continue, South Australia currently achieves around 20 per cent of the annual commercial quota for the state, are:
An earlier and despicable attempt to add the Red-necked Wallaby to the commercial list appears to have failed, comments regarding the Tammar Wallaby are equally disgraceful:
“Red-necked Wallaby was removed from the proposal (2020-2024 South Australian Commercial Kangaroo Management Plan) and will not be included in the commercial harvest. No Tammar Wallabies will be culled from the reintroduced mainland population (until recently thought to be extinct). Clarity was added by including “Tammar Wallaby (M. eugenii) on Kangaroo Island and other islands” under the definition of “Kangaroo” page iv”.
What is particularly shocking is that the commercial exploiters of Kangaroos have been lobbying to access public lands, including state reserves and national parks, for a very long time and that this particular expansion is occurring at a time of extreme climate change and a global extinction crisis, of which Australia is in the very front row.
Actual commercial take (composite all species) over the last 4 years including 2024, has hovered between 16 and 22 per cent depending on how ludicrous the population estimates and quotas were.
The graphs below are from the government's own data. Note how quotas fluctuate, sudden declines a result of significantly lower population estimates, sudden and biologically impossible increases accompanied by campaigns of exploding Kangaroo populations. The exploiters of Kangaroos continue to claim that population explosions (not biologically possible) are just around the corner.
Australian Governments, and the South Australian Government is among the leaders here, and the commercial exploiters of Kangaroos, repeat the same thing over and over again. These statements come from the Government of South Australia Department of Environment and Water's website. My comments are in caps at the end of each talking point. The theory, if you say it often enough, then people will believe it.
In the kit bag of Kangaroo nonsense the idea that Kangaroos should be killed just in case they starve, Australia's ABC promote the idea, is a relatively new bit of spin. This newish idea has taken over from 'Kangaroos are diseased and dangerous' - some particularly stupid messaging when you are trying to market and sell Kangaroos for human consumption.
“The arguments made by the scientists in these examples fit a long-standing pattern of values in the field of applied ecology and wildlife management in Australia. The brief is to benefit the agricultural and commercial sector. Perceived wildlife abundance supports calls for lethal management and commercial exploitation. I was reminded again of the koala story”. The excerpt is from 2021 documentary book ‘Injustice, hidden in plain sight the war on Australian nature’ by Maria Taylor. (Full disclosure: author and journalist Dr Maria Taylor is a member of the AWPC management committee in 2025).
South Australia has been the worst of all Australian states in pursuing remnant Kangaroo populations. The latest proposed changes will allow the commercial exploitation of Kangaroos in nearly all the places where they exist and will enable the commercial exploitation to continue, for just how long is the question?
Not that long is the answer.
“Most shooters will shoot for body size, but it depends on the density of the population. I did some work years ago in the north-west of the South Australian pastoral zone where shooters would shoot anything that moved because the density of the populations were so low and, really, it was almost an uneconomical activity”. Expert witness, Inquiry into the Health and Wellbeing of Kangaroos and other Macropods in New South Wales, hearing transcript 19 August 2021
South Australia has a shocking colonial record of species endangerment and extinction, including for Macropod species. When I asked why it was, according to its own figures and despite the mass slaughter and sequential climate disaster, that the only family of animals that were increasing in population where Kangaroos, they could not answer my question?
This analysis lists the extinct, endangered, vulnerable and rare species in South Australia. The list I have compiled has more than a 1,000 species on it and it does not include all classes of life.
I record these here so we begin to understand the extent of the problems we face. Those species listed as extinct in South Australia may either now be entirely extinct, that is lost and gone forever, or still survive in other states and territories, small islands and so on, many of these will be on the brink of extinction.
You will see from the lists below, given to me prior to the addition of new species to the commercial list, by the Government of South Australia that what is remarkable is that among the Macropodidae, the Eastern Grey Kangaroo is an example, in the lists, this species is now on the commercial shooting list and not the endangerment watch list. The Red-necked Wallaby has escaped for now. So yet again, anything goes. And neither species has 'boomed' in population.
This, the tip of the iceberg, is what South Australia has done to its mammal species
Australian mammal species are also subject to hunting / destruction in South Australia by various permits (and many more are killed ‘illegally’). For example species caught up in a commercial trade of wildlife include:
For example the commercial quota for the Red Kangaroos in South Australia in 2015 was 327,300 of which 68,908 (not including pouch young) were ‘harvested’. For the Western Grey Kangaroo the quota was 155,400 of which 27,787 were ‘harvested’ and for the Euro the quota was 57,600 of which 9,990 were ‘harvested’. Claims by the media, including the ABC in South Australia, that Kangaroo numbers were exploding are at odds with the number of animals ‘harvested’ in relation to the size of quotas.
In addition to the commercial trade, permits in that year were issued to destroy 1,990 Eastern Grey Kangaroos (listed as rare in South Australia), 7,825 Tammar Wallabies, 2,571 Red Kangaroos, 33,121 Western Grey Kangaroos and 1,875 Euros.
The South Australia National Parks and Wildlife Department cited the following species as rare
“South Australia is currently in a significant drought phase. This is not an excuse to kill whatever wildlife remains. It is a time to help wildlife to ensure there are no more extinctions in the state”. Peter Hylands
Set aside the South Australian Government’s inflated population estimates, and oddly the South Australian Government’s own data tells a very different story. A story of continual decline and not increase. The actual take is the key to understanding what is really happening to Kangaroo populations in the state. In some years, divergence of quota and actual take is very large indeed, this is an indicator that population estimates for each species are too high, resulting in unobtainable quotas, which cannot be met.
The total Kangaroo population estimate for South Australia in 2024, which sets 2025 quotas, is 4,922,375 (includes Eastern Grey Kangaroo) giving a quota for 2025 of 805,800, up from 577,000 in the previous year. If the quota was met in 2025, this would mean 230,000 joeys (not included in the data) would also die by decapitation, beaten to death or starvation if they escape.
While this cruel trade in wildlife should not occur at all, the following species should be removed from the commercial list with immediate effect because of significant damage to actual populations:
Then the recent 2020 additions:
“Those of us who opposed the slaughter warned that once an industry started, it has its own imperatives and would kill increasing numbers of Kangaroos, even if populations crashed. Even the Queensland Government can claim full marks for its far sightedness on this score, despite its questionable reasoning. It said in 1984, it is important to recognise that while the Kangaroo industry was originally a response to the pest problem caused by these animals it has now come to exist in its own right as the user of a renewable natural resource and thus serves its own interests”. Juliet Gellatley, Kangaroos: myths and realities, AWPC, 2005
Statements about strict compliance surveillance from Australian state governments can be misleading. The claim is always made but is it true?
In South Australia there are no compliance checks relating to the actual shooting of Kangaroos or the shooters as they are doing the shooting. This means that it is impossible for the South Australian Government to know just how many Kangaroos were body shot (ie not head shot as required by the regulations). There are no checks in relation to the actual shooting as this compliance task is considered too dangerous for government employees.
To recap, 100,896 Kangaroos were killed for commercial gain during 2022, slightly more than for 2021 (97,389 kangaroos), against a quota of 455,800, just 22 per cent of the 2022 quota.
“Due to work health and safety considerations, DEW staff do not conduct compliance of permit holders while they are actively shooting Kangaroos in the field”.
The department, DEW, does conducts compliance checks by inspecting carcasses in field chillers and at meat processing works.
In 2022, 10 expiation notices, 24 caution notices and four warning letters were issued regarding offences in relation to Kangaroos killed for commercial gain in South Australia
These notices were issued for: permit holder to supply returns within 14 days (17); use of out of date sealed tags (11); fail to return unused and out-of-date sealed tag (5) and other (4). There is no mention of any animal welfare issues.