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Cripes, Australia is running out of Koalas

Come with us to Sydney’s very beautiful Macquarie Street and its house of wisdom and modernity. Come inside and listen.

Nature notes from an Australian summer

We spend a day in the bushlands around the farming region of Yea in the Australian state of Victoria.

Queensland: Making Terra Nullius

Queensland and its species: Extinct, threatened and vulnerable species

The Kangaroo family and the distribution of species

Regional extinctions are also commonplace as the range (distribution) of a species contracts and fragments.

South Australia: Places and species

This analysis (2018) lists the extinct, endangered, vulnerable and rare species in South Australia. Here I have just added mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian and plant species.

Cities and dreams: Understanding animal population numbers

This is a story about Kangaroos, about cities and how we visualise and understand numbers.

Counting Kangaroos

Good scientific practice requires methodologies to be replicated and repeated.

Ways of knowing

The way we treat the natural world needs a rethink, and fast.

In good hands: The story of a rescue

So with Kangaroos in mind, once more we make the long journey from Melbourne to Bathurst in New South Wales.

Endpoint: Kangaroo testimonies

What I have been through, no human should have to go through.

The Pangolin and the Kangaroo

If we destroy species and habitats, you do not have to be a genius to understand the result.

The fine line: Democracy and the abuse of wildlife in Canberra

The people who attempt to protect the wildlife are ignored and demeaned by their politicians.

We dread the moonlight

It is left to a dedicated few to pick up the pieces.

Some things never change

On the day of writing this, Australia released its State of the environment report – written last year and slipped in the draw until a change of Government in Canberra.

Cooking the books: Kangaroos in Australia

In 2017 the permits issued in Victoria to kill Red Kangaroos exceeded their entire state population estimates by 2,187 animals.

Koalas to burn: Winter and wildlife in Victoria

This report contains reflections on a trip in Western Victoria in June 2022.


This blog is about friendships with Emus and anecdotes from old friends regarding this remarkable bird.

Gerald Durrell and Corfu

What I think was so important about Corfu and Gerry’s time there was it triggered in him a lifelong and entirely focused passion about the natural world.

Kindness and cruelty: Our relationship with animals

We step back more than a decade, I wanted to explore how our relationship with animals was changing as societies and cultures around the world adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. The answer today, badly.

Steve Garlick at Possumwood

In these bleak blackened landscapes of South Eastern Australia the sound of silence, of nature destroyed.

Unnatural disaster

All wildlife in these fire zones need help, not just threatened species.

Cobargo and the wildfires

The fires burned the landscapes at catastrophic scale and energy.

Snapshot: The commercial exploitation of Kangaroos in Victoria

In order to maintain the Kangaroo population estimates, new shooting zones and regions are added as others close because the Kangaroos are gone.

Snapshot: Commercial exploitation of Kangaroos in New South Wales

In 2022 the population estimate has again increased to 10.9 million Kangaroos across the 15 Kangaroo shooting zones, an increase of 4.5 per cent compared to the survey results of the previous year.

Vive les Kangourous

All the way from France, Laetitia, is working as a wildlife carer at Possumwood.

Hogwash, greenwash and the killing of Canberra’s Kangaroos

In 2019 just over 4,000 Kangaroos were killed in these parks, in 2020 it was 1,958.

Snapshot: Commercial exploitation of Kangaroos in Queensland

Setting the quotas for 2022 - In 2021, all 22 survey monitor blocks in Queensland were surveyed.


Dr Rosemary Austen describes the impact of acts of extreme cruelty to Australian wildlife on human populations.

The killing begins: Isaacs Ridge, Canberra

This ACT Government says Isaacs Ridge Nature Reserve is important for conservation of local wildlife and their habitats..

A question of logic

It is the callous disregard of these residents that takes my breath away.

The Sooty Kangaroo: Pet food or threatened species?

Spin and mischief cannot conceal these terrible crimes against the natural world.

A dedicated life

One thing that would be worse than failing to achieve anything and to save anything, would be to stop trying.

Possumwood: Australian wildlife veterinary hospital

Professor Steve Garlick tells us about how the hospital provides help to Australia’s embattled wildlife.

The poor little joeys

The poor little joeys, it is just shocking what they do to them.

For the love of Kangaroos

“There is even more intimidation, this stuff is real, this stuff happens”. Greg Keightley

Chance would be a fine thing

In this film in the Kangaroo testimonies series, Emma, from Sweden, expresses her dismay about what she has learnt since visiting Australia.

Another silent spring?

Manfred Zabinskas OAM and Peter Hylands discuss the circumstances that Australia’s wildlife in Victoria is now facing.

The constant carer

What I have always noticed, since first visiting Australia, is just how wonderful individual Australian animals are.


In November 2021 we visited the Morning Peninsula in Victoria, specifically Cape Schanck and the immediate region.

A twisted light: Dunkeld and the killing of Kangaroos

The suffering of Kangaroos, in terms of scale, the methods of harm, are acknowledged internationally for their extreme cruelty.

They come without warning in the night

The next day is ruined in terms of any possibility of working and so the damage continues.

The yogi, the tourist and the Kangaroo’s head

High powered rifles and rural residential zonings do not mix. Nor do high powered rifles, tourists and tourism businesses.

A dog's breakfast: the unsustainable exploitation of wildlife

Tonight, Australia’s commercial trade in wildlife, will kill many more adults Kangaroos.

Summer's solstice: Dunkeld & the killing of Kangaroos

Long days and even longer nights, waiting and waiting more, waiting for the Kangaroo killers to return.

Cripes, Australia is running out of Koalas

Come with us to Sydney’s very beautiful Macquarie Street and its house of wisdom and modernity. Come inside and listen.

Nature notes from an Australian summer

We spend a day in the bushlands around the farming region of Yea in the Australian state of Victoria.

Queensland: Making Terra Nullius

Queensland and its species: Extinct, threatened and vulnerable species

The Kangaroo family and the distribution of species

Regional extinctions are also commonplace as the range (distribution) of a species contracts and fragments.

South Australia: Places and species

This analysis (2018) lists the extinct, endangered, vulnerable and rare species in South Australia. Here I have just added mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian and plant species.

Cities and dreams: Understanding animal population numbers

This is a story about Kangaroos, about cities and how we visualise and understand numbers.

Counting Kangaroos

Good scientific practice requires methodologies to be replicated and repeated.

Ways of knowing

The way we treat the natural world needs a rethink, and fast.

In good hands: The story of a rescue

So with Kangaroos in mind, once more we make the long journey from Melbourne to Bathurst in New South Wales.

Endpoint: Kangaroo testimonies

What I have been through, no human should have to go through.

The Pangolin and the Kangaroo

If we destroy species and habitats, you do not have to be a genius to understand the result.

The fine line: Democracy and the abuse of wildlife in Canberra

The people who attempt to protect the wildlife are ignored and demeaned by their politicians.

We dread the moonlight

It is left to a dedicated few to pick up the pieces.

Some things never change

On the day of writing this, Australia released its State of the environment report – written last year and slipped in the draw until a change of Government in Canberra.

Cooking the books: Kangaroos in Australia

In 2017 the permits issued in Victoria to kill Red Kangaroos exceeded their entire state population estimates by 2,187 animals.

Koalas to burn: Winter and wildlife in Victoria

This report contains reflections on a trip in Western Victoria in June 2022.


This blog is about friendships with Emus and anecdotes from old friends regarding this remarkable bird.

Gerald Durrell and Corfu

What I think was so important about Corfu and Gerry’s time there was it triggered in him a lifelong and entirely focused passion about the natural world.

Kindness and cruelty: Our relationship with animals

We step back more than a decade, I wanted to explore how our relationship with animals was changing as societies and cultures around the world adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. The answer today, badly.

Steve Garlick at Possumwood

In these bleak blackened landscapes of South Eastern Australia the sound of silence, of nature destroyed.

Unnatural disaster

All wildlife in these fire zones need help, not just threatened species.

Cobargo and the wildfires

The fires burned the landscapes at catastrophic scale and energy.

Snapshot: The commercial exploitation of Kangaroos in Victoria

In order to maintain the Kangaroo population estimates, new shooting zones and regions are added as others close because the Kangaroos are gone.

Snapshot: Commercial exploitation of Kangaroos in New South Wales

In 2022 the population estimate has again increased to 10.9 million Kangaroos across the 15 Kangaroo shooting zones, an increase of 4.5 per cent compared to the survey results of the previous year.

Vive les Kangourous

All the way from France, Laetitia, is working as a wildlife carer at Possumwood.

Hogwash, greenwash and the killing of Canberra’s Kangaroos

In 2019 just over 4,000 Kangaroos were killed in these parks, in 2020 it was 1,958.

Snapshot: Commercial exploitation of Kangaroos in Queensland

Setting the quotas for 2022 - In 2021, all 22 survey monitor blocks in Queensland were surveyed.


Dr Rosemary Austen describes the impact of acts of extreme cruelty to Australian wildlife on human populations.

The killing begins: Isaacs Ridge, Canberra

This ACT Government says Isaacs Ridge Nature Reserve is important for conservation of local wildlife and their habitats..

A question of logic

It is the callous disregard of these residents that takes my breath away.

The Sooty Kangaroo: Pet food or threatened species?

Spin and mischief cannot conceal these terrible crimes against the natural world.

A dedicated life

One thing that would be worse than failing to achieve anything and to save anything, would be to stop trying.

Possumwood: Australian wildlife veterinary hospital

Professor Steve Garlick tells us about how the hospital provides help to Australia’s embattled wildlife.

The poor little joeys

The poor little joeys, it is just shocking what they do to them.

For the love of Kangaroos

“There is even more intimidation, this stuff is real, this stuff happens”. Greg Keightley

Chance would be a fine thing

In this film in the Kangaroo testimonies series, Emma, from Sweden, expresses her dismay about what she has learnt since visiting Australia.

Another silent spring?

Manfred Zabinskas OAM and Peter Hylands discuss the circumstances that Australia’s wildlife in Victoria is now facing.

The constant carer

What I have always noticed, since first visiting Australia, is just how wonderful individual Australian animals are.


In November 2021 we visited the Morning Peninsula in Victoria, specifically Cape Schanck and the immediate region.

A twisted light: Dunkeld and the killing of Kangaroos

The suffering of Kangaroos, in terms of scale, the methods of harm, are acknowledged internationally for their extreme cruelty.

They come without warning in the night

The next day is ruined in terms of any possibility of working and so the damage continues.

The yogi, the tourist and the Kangaroo’s head

High powered rifles and rural residential zonings do not mix. Nor do high powered rifles, tourists and tourism businesses.

A dog's breakfast: the unsustainable exploitation of wildlife

Tonight, Australia’s commercial trade in wildlife, will kill many more adults Kangaroos.

Summer's solstice: Dunkeld & the killing of Kangaroos

Long days and even longer nights, waiting and waiting more, waiting for the Kangaroo killers to return.